Buy belly piercings online - all you'll need to know
Navel piercings are some of the most requested and popular piercings out there. This is mainly due to their eye-catching placement and simplicity. No other piercing has endured over the years and has as remained timelessly sexy as the navel piercing has, after all. And we don't see it going out of style anytime soon either! Navel piercings look great on everyone, regardless of their gender, and they can be customized with different styles of jewellery. If you prefer the classic stud or love something that dangles from your belly button bling, you can find it here!
First choice is the bananabellm, while ball closure rings are also popular. It's important that your piercer checks before you change your jewelry for the first time, if it has fully healed.
Find more than 1,000 different belly piercings at the Crazy Factory: curved barbells with attachments and belly rings, no matter if you want a classic or the last piercing trends - unbeatably cheap and in stunning quality.
A bananabell is a barbell that curves to make it easier to insert into the skin in places like the belly button or the eye-brow. These cute studs are available in different materials, multiple colours, sparkly stones or even small pictures. Bananabells are great for daily wear in their simplest form or more glamorous with exciting attachments like roses, butterflies, seahorses, stars, geckos, skulls, oriental ornaments and more!

Inverted Belly Button
The inverted navel piercing is simply the traditional navel piercing with a sexy and subtle twist. The jewellery goes through the bottom flap of skin on your belly button instead of the top. Due to its placement, the inverted navel piercing has a more interesting and unique look to it. It's a sexy and eye-catching look that you’ll love to show off when you're wearing a crop top or when you're going for a swim. While inverted navel piercings look phenomenal on their own, you can also get it to complement your top navel piercing for a sexy double navel piercing!

True Navel Piercing
There's a common misconception out there that you can't get a navel piercing if you have an outie or an actual belly button. But don't fret, they’re wrong - of course, you can still get a navel piercing! If the usual placements don’t suit you, a True Navel piercing is the way to go. Instead of the jewellery going through the skin above your navel, the piercing will go straight through your outie. True Navel piercings also get done with different jewellery, such as hoops or captive rings. Remember, having an outie doesn't make you any less attractive. A true navel piercing can help you flaunt it with pride!

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