A labret piercing refers to a lip piercing at the centre of your bottom lip. It sits just below your cupid's bow to give your lips a plumper and more luscious look, definitely a piercing to get if you want to show off your lips. The beauty of a labret piercing is that it looks good on both men and women and can be customized in different ways. It's a great addition to a set of lip piercings too! Whether you prefer a ring or a traditional stud, find the perfect jewellery for your labret piercing here!
Labret Piercing
Labret Piercing

A labret piercing sits just below your cupid's bow and makes your lips look plumper and more luscious.
Labret Piercing
A labret piercing refers to a lip piercing at the centre of your bottom lip. It sits just below your cupid's bow to give your lips a plumper and more luscious look, definitely a piercing to get if you want to show off your lips. The beauty of a labret piercing is that it looks good on both men and women and can be customized in different ways. It's a great addition to a set of lip piercings too! Whether you prefer a ring or a traditional stud, find the perfect jewellery for your labret piercing here!