Meet the smiley piercing's more discreet and edgy opposite, aptly named the frowny or anti-smiley piercing. The jewellery goes through the lower frenulum for this type of oral piercing, making the piercing just peek over the lower lip of the wearer. It's a subtle piercing that looks great and won't overwhelm your face. This also makes frowny piercings easier to hide when you're in a formal event or at work. Make no mistake though, you don't need to frown to show off this piercing to people. It is actually most visible when you have a wide smile or are laughing out loud!
Lower Frenulum ("Frowny")
Lower Frenulum ("Frowny")

Meet the Frowny, the smiley piercing's more discreet and edgy counterpart. Your laugh or smile will never look the same!
Lower Frenulum ("Frowny")
Meet the smiley piercing's more discreet and edgy opposite, aptly named the frowny or anti-smiley piercing. The jewellery goes through the lower frenulum for this type of oral piercing, making the piercing just peek over the lower lip of the wearer. It's a subtle piercing that looks great and won't overwhelm your face. This also makes frowny piercings easier to hide when you're in a formal event or at work. Make no mistake though, you don't need to frown to show off this piercing to people. It is actually most visible when you have a wide smile or are laughing out loud!