The frenum piercing is one of the most directly stimulating genital piercings. Through direct contact with the scores of nerve endings in glans and frenum, both the pierced and his partner can experience new and incredible sensations. Additionally, the piercing heals relatively quickly and usually without issues. For these reasons, the frenum piercing, which was first seen in Oceania, is one of the most widespread genital piercings. Barbells and piercing rings are popular choices for adornment, but also a larger ring encompassing the shaft can be worn. Multiple frenum piercings form the “Devil’s Ladder”, which enhances the positive effects even further.
Frenum Piercing
Frenum Piercing

The frenum piercing is one of the most directly stimulating genital piercings. Due to its relatively easy healing process, it is also one of the most widespread ones
Frenum Piercing
The frenum piercing is one of the most directly stimulating genital piercings. Through direct contact with the scores of nerve endings in glans and frenum, both the pierced and his partner can experience new and incredible sensations. Additionally, the piercing heals relatively quickly and usually without issues. For these reasons, the frenum piercing, which was first seen in Oceania, is one of the most widespread genital piercings. Barbells and piercing rings are popular choices for adornment, but also a larger ring encompassing the shaft can be worn. Multiple frenum piercings form the “Devil’s Ladder”, which enhances the positive effects even further.